Wednesday 15 March 2017

Evaluation 4

Target Audience Transcript

Weekday Runup with Frank Schnellhammer: Chain of Memory


Hello and welcome to Weekday Runup, I’m Frank Schnellhammer and on tonight’s programme, I’m with Stephen Lawrie. He’s here to talk about his new film ‘Chain of Memory’. Stephen, Welcome.


Thanks for having me, Frank.


So, Stephen, we’ve all seen the hype around ‘Chain of Memory’. People of all ages are talking about it. Yet, who do you feel is your primary audience following the production of this film?


I think we probably had the over 30s age bracket in mind when developing the piece as the film covers rather sensitive subject matter that some young people may not be able to directly connect to. Y’know, the loss of a child is something many people within our target audience haven’t experienced either first hand or through friends so it’s likely that those over 30 will be able to relate to the main character more.


Yes, I see what you mean, that’s an entirely valid point, Stephen, on the other hand, have you thought about how your heavy promotions on social media may attract an alternate audience as the demographic of people on social media tends to be a lot younger than your intended audience. What’s your insight on that?


Yeah, of course, we had that in mind. But, I mean, as social media begins to grow and develop, many more people of a variety of different ages are – branching out to join sites such as Facebook and so I think our branding on such sites is warranted. I’d say we’re always open to consider a wider audience in future productions, yet I feel uhm, with ‘chain of memory’, well [.], we always wanted to connect directly with our audience. I feel creating a, a rather niche film, we capture the interest of a much more specific audience type.


I see exactly what you’re saying, it’s interesting you say that – as a viewer myself I would expect someone with the intention of producing a multi-million dollar movie – you would want to appeal to the widest audience possible




And I find it rather humble of you to produce something with the intent of connection – direct relation to the movie, would you say the project was more of a personal journey for you and the rest of the production team, or that of a commercial challenge?


Well as I say we worked extremely closely with the writing team – to the extent they took on production roles, and thinking about it now I think it became something much bigger than originally intended, an expression of some sort presenting the emotions of not only the characters and scenes in the film itself, but how the writers truly felt when in production.


Well, you’ve enlightened me and our audience alike. I think that concludes tonight’s Weekday Runup, thank you so much Stephen Lawrie for joining us, and we’ll see you next week. Goodnight.

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