Tuesday 26 September 2017

Music video treatment

-Headlines with artists name, potential pictures of him with a girl
Highlighting his fame and progression
Showing off girls and money- generic

Smoked room, guy sitting on chair/bed looking down
close up of back of girls legs, clothing drops and the legs walk forward implying he's promiscuous which fits the stereotype of rappers being very promiscuous.

-Verse starts actor jumps off of a low wall and begins rapping- jump cut to a room with the actor and the girl from the first scene, actor throws stuff off a table onto the floor implying arguing etc
Cuts back to him in a different area rapping, a lot of junk in the background, filmed by some large containers looking like an abandoned area. 
Lyric "son of a gun" makes gun symbols with hands.
as the verse ends spins hands at camera, camera spins as a transition to chorus.

Sat in a chair in the middle of a field.
Circling shot of actor pointing upwards "so far so far"

-Next verse
lyrics "extra extra" shot of a news paper with actors face and name on (artists name not actual name)
actor walking down a road and throws news paper towards the camera "double triple doubted" will have small animation  emphasising this, continues shot until next chorus, parts of it will be animated via Sony Vegas and Photoshop

Sat in a chair in the middle of a field.
Circling shot of actor pointing upwards "so far so far"

-Final verse
Singing final verse on a stage, empty dark room no one watching, camera zooms in on the lyric "so I sang" lifts hand up to give the impression he hits the camera, shot spins back and cuts to final chorus.

A lot of my video will be reliant on my editing which I am fairly confident in, the animating will be a long process but in the end it should come out high quality 

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Vibe magazine

Vibe magazine is a great magazine to find new genres of music and research existing ones. The theme of the magazine is made to appeal to a diverse audience from all around the world. Vibe is providing a demographic experience when multicultural audiences are inspired by the magazine and music.

In terms of audience Vibe is quite balanced  in gender being 51% male and 49% female.
The age is more diverse.
From the charts bellow you can see the target audience of Vibe magazine would primarily be 21 or older African-Americans as these are the two highest by a long way in both age and ethnicity. This is also the stereotype of hip hop and rap fans. In terms of gender its aimed at both genders as its basically split evenly in half, this is different to other magazines such as XXL which has a primary male focus and a significantly higher male audience.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

XXL Magazine media kit

The next few blog posts will be media packs and analysis' of various magazines to decide which would be the best and most appropriate to advertise my artist and new album cover on.

The first magazine I will be analysing is XXL magazine.
XXL was founded in 1997 with a circulation of 140.000 in 2016.

From these graphs I can see this is kind of similar to my artists demographic, the majority of people buying this magazine are mainly African-American males between the ages of 21 and 29. My artist demographics age is slightly bellow that.
 The target audience would be Male 25-29 year old African-Americans as these are the three highest in the charts show above.

Friday 15 September 2017

Lyric analysis part 2

Now the lyric analysis has been completed I can move onto the rest of the work such as more research into the demographic, psychographic and eventually storyboarding.

Demographics and psychographics

This is some work on the demographic of my artist. As stated more specifically above the primary audience will be teenagers and young adults from working class or bellow families as well as secondary audience of more middle class who don't live in similar  conditions. Another reason for this audience is that some fans may be able to relate to what the rapper is saying and take inspiration from it. After doing some market research around 80% of the audience is male making it a primarily male following. This is usually due to the way artists will over sexualize women and objectify them, this is common in most modern rappers/hip hop artists. These fans would usually be between E class and c2, this is because these classes are the usual social classes of fans of rap and hip hop music, its stereotypical for higher classes to listen to different genres such as pop and classical. My demographic is slightly different t the real artist, the actual artists SonReal does various different genres of music including pop whereas I wanted my artist to be more grime/rap/hip hop. SonReal's demographic would be c2 and upwards as that's the general demographic of pop music.

 The general psychographic of my artist would be aspirers, this is typical in younger audiences and these often seek status and are more interested in fashion and their image which is very usual in fans of hip hop and rap music. The audiences also typically are teenagers to young adults which fit this psychographic. Another psychographic would be strugglers, strugglers often seek escape which is often in rap and hip hop music as in a lot of interviews successful rappers described music as their escape. Strugglers typically drink a lot of alcohol and smoke etc. which is a stereotype for rappers who often drink a lot and spend a large amount of money on booze and drugs. This is more common in the young adults rather than teenagers although it does still occur which is illegal another stereotype for teenagers who listen largely to hip hop and rap music. Often these fans desire to be like the artist who typically will follow these traits and conform to the stereotype.
This is very similar to the real artist SonReal's psychographic. I have decided to keep them similar as both are quite stereotypical audiences for this genre.

Monday 11 September 2017

Asking for permission and track reveal

Asking for permission

The track I have decided to use is "So far" by Sonreal

As of the moment I have sent two emails asking for permission from the artist.
I am beginning to do lyric analysis whilst posting this update which will be released tomorrow.

I have chosen this song as its very upbeat and I feel I have more experience and would enjoy  to make a music video to an upbeat song rather than a slower, sad song. I have also made sure its in the rap genre which I find the most realistic to produce to brainstorm video ideas for as they often follow the same style of video. Often its a mix between narrative and dance routine, for this I will be primarily focusing on a narrative though as its difficult to find actors willing to dance.

I have changed my song to this as I feel its more upbeat and the lyrics reflect what I want to make more and are more realistic for me to make whereas the previous song by logic fit most of my criteria, once I have analysed the lyrics I realized it was going ot be difficult to do so I changed it to "So far" by SonReal. It was difficult to find a song without a music video by him that was upbeat as the vast majority of his jollier songs already had a music video. I originally decided to do a different song by SonReal but after researching a bit more I found it already had a music video.

Friday 8 September 2017

Demonstrating what I've learned

In my previous blog post I talked about various new editing techniques which I taught myself over the duration of summer, the following clip is a small preview of what is to come in future. Both edits in the clip will be heavily used in my final piece.
I have edited the audio adding the quote "Let me ask you something, does a machine like yourself ever experience fear" which was quite a challenge as it had backing audio, I resolved this issue by having it fade out which makes the backtrack to it essentially inaudible.

Original video (first 18 seconds)

My edit

The white outline and devil horns take a crazy amount of time to do, as  this was filmed in 60fps I have to re-draw the outline and devil horns 60 times for every 1 second I wish for them to appear on screen as well as saving and importing each individual edited frame, in my final piece this will be done to a higher standard also.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

The end of summer

The summer break has finally come to a close.
Production of my latest music video is underway, over the past 6 weeks I have managed to rack up a whopping 30 hours of learning how to animate frames, add special effects, green screen and motion track. A lot of learning has been happening and I'm confident this is going to be the best yet, a lot of effort is going to be going into this piece, one idea I have will require me to animate 60 separate frames per 1 second for the best outcome.

Looking forward to revealing more in future including the song I have chosen so keep up to date.