Tuesday 21 November 2017

CD cover

The CD cover has been completed. I went through a multitude of different designs to experiment with which I felt was best and most appropriate for my target audience. I eventually settled with the image bellow as I felt it was more appealing to my target audience rather than my other designs. It's simple design makes it stand out from other CD covers which is important as it will catch a viewer's eye and possibly make them have a second look. The parental advisory also allows viewers to know its for a more mature audience. I opted to have the album name on the side and just the artists name across the front which will capture fans' eyes. I placed the artists name across where the eyes would be on the outline as often when people look at an image they will look at the eyes first meaning the initial viewing will be of the artists name.

Wednesday 15 November 2017


Editing is now in full swing, there was a lot of lag when I was doing outlines and I needed to find a way to resolve this without compressing the videos as this would remove the currently high quality, I experimented with various different ways including pre rendering but to no joy. Eventually I decided to cut and delete the parts of the clip that were no longer required and move the PNG images down and to my surprise this worked and eliminated the lag as serif was no longer trying to render both the clip and 40 odd images on top of that clip eliminated the frame rate issues.
The photography has been completed by as of the moment my camera has been misplaced when I allowed someone else to use it for their photography. Once I get it back I will be uploading the images and starting work on my advert magazine and cd cover.

Monday 6 November 2017

Filming over half term and editing progress

Over the course of half term we were set the task to begin filming for our music video, I managed to acquire all of the footage I needed from outside of school during this time making it easier in future as I am able to record the remaining footage during lesson time.
Editing has begun and it is a lengthy process, for each frame I need to screenshot and crop each frame to then put it into either paint of Photoshop and draw the white outline and then replace that singular frame back in serif with the edited image, as of the moment I have managed to do 31 frames and am over half way with the first shot that I need to edit in this way. If things keep up at this rate I'll have more than enough time to finish.